Our mission

To transform our community spiritually through education, healthcare, & family strengthening

Cherish Uganda is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering hope & a promising future for families in need. Since 2006, ordinary people just like you have paved the way for extraordinary life change in the communities we serve in Uganda.

Among the numerous challenges faced by orphaned & vulnerable children, those affected by HIV often find themselves marginalized by society. Recognizing the urgency of this issue, we have been called by God to unite people from around the world in crafting a redemptive narrative for these children & their families.

Our mission extends beyond addressing specific needs; we strive to spiritually transform our community through comprehensive interventions in education, healthcare, & family strengthening. As we establish meaningful connections & engage in heartfelt dialogue, we offer prayerful support & demonstrate genuine love.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we emulate the compassionate actions of Jesus Christ, endeavoring to rewrite narratives of adversity into stories of resilience & hope. Will you help us change the story?

Brent & Leah Phillips

Our Core Values

  • Discipleship is at the core of everything we do. We deeply desire to help our children & staff connect with Christ in a meaningful way that celebrates who He is & who we are in Him.

  • Community plays a key role in our spiritual formation. To be loved & accepted in a community allows us gradually to accept ourselves & then start to see ourselves like God sees us: His child. Once that happens, then we start to believe that we can be used by Him.

  • At Cherish, we strive to challenge misconceptions & change the story. Transformation isn't just an option; it's essential for everyone. While some may feel daunted by the journey ahead, we must trust in the transformative power of faith. By surrendering to God's guidance, we embark on a journey where He leads the way, constantly shaping & reshaping our stories.

  • There is more to life than today, so we want everything we do at Cherish Uganda to be sustainable & to have an eternal perspective. From relationships to investments, we want these commitments to be made with longevity & the bigger picture in mind. 

Our Vision

  • While we work with families and kids who are HIV negative, we place a priority on serving those who are living HIV positive. We are strategically located, serving a community with high rates of HIV.

    Learn more about HIV

  • We are not a massive organization, so every donation, big or small, helps. Learn more about our impact or contact our CEO directly. We try to efficiently and wisely use every donation to change lives.

    Make a donation today

  • We believe in partnership over handouts. A Kingdom Culture vs. fixing local problems with outsider solutions. Family-based care vs. institutionalization of children. We’re 100% Ugandan run on-site.

  • We love Jesus and teaching his love. Beyond sharing the Good News, we dive deep and heavily invest in discipling those we serve and the staff we employ.

    Read our Statement of Faith (LINK)

  • We have a holistic approach by serving children with quality medical care, education, spiritual care, and equipping families to best care for their children.

    Learn more about our diverse programs here

We are 100% Ugandan Run on-site

As of 2016, we became 100% Ugandan-run on-site at Cherish Uganda. We have built an incredibly, hardworking staff of 50+ Ugandans to carry out the good work God is doing at Cherish Uganda.

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Our Partners
Check out our wonderful partners! We would not be where we are today without them.

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Help change the story of HIV by giving today! Your donation can help change lives.