Cherish Health Centre Updates
We're growing!
Attendance at Cherish Health Centre has been growing, and we are currently seeing more than 15 clients per day.
In addition to our children and staff, we are currently seeing over 350 patients per month from our community.
Given the increase in demand, the clinic is looking to expand its working hours to offer services for 14 hours per day, which will require the hiring of an additional 2 staff members.
Changing the story of HIV
As of March, Cherish Health Centre now provides ART (Antiretroviral Therapy). The ART program is growing, serving 32 clients as of May this year.
By providing ART services, we are truly helping change lives in the local village! Out of our clients receiving ART, at least 10 of these patients started ART for the first time because of the testing and treatment provided by the health centre.
Cherish Health Centre Staff
We currently have 15 employees.
Our staff has an ongoing analysis to improve the quality of patient flow.
By having a data manager and a hospital administrator, we are able to have an emphasis on data collection and management.