Babies + Computers

2020 has been a wild ride to say the least. If someone would have told us last Christmas what the year ahead had in store, we never would have believed them! We here at Cherish have learned to hold the future loosely, yet with much hope. We look forward to the new year, trusting that God still desires to partner with us in changing the world.

As we look ahead to 2021, we know God is leading us into new endeavors: babies and computers!

We will start a more intensive maternity program this upcoming year, focusing on maternal health, babies being born HIV negative, and discipling moms throughout the process. Secondly, we’ll open a computer training center that trains both our young students and adults in our community in a skill that is actually marketable. We also have multiple great job placement opportunities already in place that have the potential to pull families out of the cycle of poverty! You will hear more about both of these as the year moves on (If you want more info now, please reach out).

For those of you who continue to partner with us – Thank you! For those of you who haven’t yet…maybe 2021 is the year. We all want to make a difference and it can be a struggle to find a place that you can trust, a ministry where your time, money and effort are well spent and an organization that is truly making a difference. Cherish can be that place for you. We need more people like you that want to spread the gospel of Jesus, work towards the elimination of poverty in the lives of people and bring healthy babies into the world.

This past year really has been a wild one and who really knows what this next year holds, but we are full of hope, trusting in a God who loves us all and are praying more people join the journey with us here at Cherish.

Happy New Year!

Brent Phillips & the Cherish Family


Prayer Request for Tomorrow’s Elections


Cherish Partner Feature: EMI