The Man Who was Healed at the Front Desk


When you hear "healing" in Christian circles you might think the story has to be a radical physical transformation like when Jesus healed the blind or healed the man in Bethesda so he could walk. In situations that feel less grandeur and supernatural, the simplicity of healing can also be really beautiful.

This month, we received an update from a Cherish Health Center staff member that served as a reminder that healing can be a subtle recognition of a blessing or a change in the heart.

“Today we received an amazing customer who got healed just at the reception desk. When the client was talking to me after paying bills for someone else he brought in, he said he got healed the moment he entered the facility. The warm welcome, the care he got from different people who talked to him, and the environment we work in made him feel good. He continued and said we entered his heart and he was now at peace unlike other places he has been to. When this gentle man was talking to me I felt like working over night because he really spoke from his heart. Team, well done for the work today.” - Written by Becky (who works at the front desk of the health center) to her team to fuel them for the work well done, that it might give them the energy and encouragement to press on.

Sometimes healing is simple. It’s a change of heart. It’s letting the love of Jesus in or it’s the feeling of someone lifting the weight of the world off your shoulders. It’s the feeling of depression subsiding and feeling light enough to smile. Healing might be feeling peace for the first time in a while.

All over the world, many people feel like 2020 has been a weight on their shoulders. Covid-19 has robbed us of the gift of community and filled many with fear. If you’ve been feeling anxious, down, or not yourself lately during quarantine, we’d love to pray for you! Please send us an email at info@cherishuganda.or with your prayer requests. We’ll keep your requests private and will just have a small group of staff members pray for you.

"Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.” Proverbs 12:25

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
— Matthew 11:28-30

For privacy purposes, those pictured in the photos are not the man featured in this story, nor is that Becky at the front desk. These photos are from 2019.


Meet Trevor, UK Board Member


CHC in the month of July