My Cherish Experience: Christian McIntyre, Intern

These last 8 months have been some of the greatest and most rewarding experiences of my life.  I have had the great opportunity to be able to intern at Cherish Health Center. I have seen things and learned things that I would have never had the opportunity to experience in the United States. Witnessing how Cherish is providing a way to solve a huge problem in their community is nothing short of the Gospel being displayed to anyone and everyone who enters through the gates.

The love and care that the staff at Cherish Health Center has for each patient is outstanding. Being able to shadow Dr. Clara and help out around Cherish has been a fantastic opportunity to learn and see how some day I want to treat patients of my own. My time at Cherish has been one filled with people and experiences that I will never forget.

Written by Christian McIntyre

Christian served at Cherish Uganda for 8 months in the Cherish Health Center. Christian-we are so thankful for your hard work, your helping hands, your love for this ministry and the people you served along the way.


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