Year Two: Awakening the Legacy at CHS

Secondary school boys moving into the boys' dormitory 

Secondary school boys moving into the boys' dormitory 

CHS students gather for morning snack on the first day of school

CHS students gather for morning snack on the first day of school

We are now into our second year of Cherish High. We've grown from 16 students to 42! They have come from all over Uganda and we have 10 dedicated teachers who are excited to be a part of this pioneering school.

The dynamic is different than last years', it feels like starting over from the beginning as each child adds flavor and challenge. Each young and unique person ready to learn, but with their own set of footprints already taken in life. Each story with familiar accents of joy, sadness, abandonment, hope. Then comes the unraveling of emotions , the awakening of acceptance, the understanding of boundaries.

The shaping has begun and new stories are being written in hearts and minds. Our motto at CHS is 'Awaken the Legacy'  and we are praying that hope and embracing of a promising future is awakened in them. 

Written by Larissa Rwakasiisi

Senior 3 students taking the classroom outside

Senior 3 students taking the classroom outside


Frankie, A Great Big Brother


Why Cherish is not an “Orphanage”?