Hope Hospital Update: From the Eyes of our Medical Intern, Christian McIntyre

My name is Christian McIntyre and I am a 2015 graduate of Liberty University. Since graduating, I have decided to serve at Cherish Uganda, and more specifically, in HOPE Hospital for 8 months. Having only been here for 2 months, there is so much that I have already experienced.

My HOPE Hospital Experience (So Far!)

            HOPE Hospital is an amazing place; the things that can be accomplished here, the staff, and the pursuit of excellence in medical care (which isn’t the social norm here in Uganda) is incredible. It’s even more incredible due to the fact that we aren’t even officially open yet! During the first couple of weeks of my internship, we gave all of the children living here in Akaloosa Village a Hepatitis B vaccination.  Since then, we have tested and treated all of the students at HOPE Academy, which includes not only the Cherish children but children from the surrounding village as well, for Bilharzia. Bilharzia is a disease that is common in our area caused by a parasite contracted from Lake Victoria.

On top of learning and being exposed to things medically that I would never see in the United States, just being able to get to know that staff here has been great. Auntie Robina and Auntie Rose keep the hospital beautiful even after having had hundreds of kids come through. Emmanuel does a great job of keeping the property clean and he always greets with a smile that is contagious. Dr. Clara and her clinical officer, Suzan, are extremely smart and are continually seeking to learn more so they can provide the best medical care they can offer. Staff training days for all of the medical staff here have taken place weekly to make sure that we are all learning and providing proper care.

Currently, we are waiting on a shipment of supplies that will allow HOPE Hospital to open up its gates to the public. At this time, that container of supplies has made it all the way from the USA and is now sitting in Kampala. Hopefully in the next few days it will finally make its way to Cherish. Through this process, we know that God is in control and His timing is perfect even if we anxiously waiting. We have faith and know that the Lord is good and that He is going to use HOPE Hospital in a mighty way!

Written by Medical Intern: Christian McIntyre


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