Pray for Peter

Peter, age 9, was brought to Cherish Uganda this week.  We want to share his story and ask you to come alongside us in prayer for Peter.

Photo taken of Peter before he arrived to Cherish Uganda

Photo taken of Peter before he arrived to Cherish Uganda

Peter's mother is a street sweeper, making less than $1 per day cleaning the streets with a straw broom. She is also the mother to a baby boy and Peter's 13 year-old sister, neither of which are HIV+. She doesn't have enough money to buy food or take care of Peter's health, which caused this sweet 9 year-old to waste down to a slim 19 lbs. Not only is HIV attacking his body, we are heartbroken to relay the news that Peter also has cancer. His mother knew she could not raise Peter well and take care of his physical needs, so she took him to Mildmay hospital to leave him there. However, the social work team was able to notice her before she left. 

We have a strong relationship with Mildmay and they know that we are willing to take in the sickest child because we believe that God can transform lives with love. Mildmay reached out to us and moved Peter to Cherish Uganda, where we are now working with him physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Our social work team will also start working with his mother, in order to bring health back to her family. Eventually our goal will be to resettle Peter back to his family, as long as we are confident that we have helped build a healthy situation to bring him back to.

Dr. Clara is now closely monitoring Peter and we are making sure his HIV needs are being met. Peter was brought to us with a CD4 count of 1, which is very rare, and very dangerous. A low CD4 count tells us his immune system is extremely weak and until it increases he will have a difficult time fighting off infection. This child has had a rough go, but he is very sweet boy that is fitting in really well at Cherish already and loves his new living situation. 

Please join us in prayer for Robert's healing and his health both physically and spiritually. 

Peter at Cherish Uganda

Peter at Cherish Uganda

**The name here has been changed for privacy reasons


Cherish Hospital // Stories from the Field


Hope Hospital Update: From the Eyes of our Medical Intern, Christian McIntyre