Season of Giving with Kathleen Spillman

Since it’s the Season of Giving, we're exploring generosity with our Cherish Family. By sharing stories about the spirit of giving from board members, staff, and students, we hope your heart can be flooded with warm memories of giving from your past and present. We’d love to hear who inspired you to be generous!

Discussion on Generosity

with Kathleen Spillman, Cherish Board Member

(1) Where/from who did you learn to give?
Giving of my time was an easy thing for me.  We didn't have a lot of money in our early years, so when I gave of my time, I felt like I was participating in whatever the cause was- ie. kids schools, ministry, missions, etc.

I learned to give financially by observing others in the church give.  I wasn't raised with that focus, so when I became surrounded by others who truly lived it out, I grew to trust and love the privilege of giving financially as a form of worship.  Now it's the greatest honor to be able to.

(2) Why do you give?
I give because I truly believe 'to him who much is given, much is expected' Luke 12:48. I give because it is a joy and honor to do so.

(3) What’s the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given?
This wasn't just from us, but on our first trip to Cherish we delivered gifts from so many people.  At the Phillips request, we brought bed sheet sets for the mamas and aunties working in the homes at that time.  They were given to them as a Christmas gift, and being able to watch them receive those sheets was one of the more impactful moments I've seen.  There was singing and dancing and shouting thanks for them.  We were just the messengers.  But I've shared this story often because it was so powerful to see something so simple to me, impact them so hugely.  

(4) How would you describe your giving?
The giving of time came naturally to me early on.  But financial giving was harder.  I didn't see that we had lots, so I felt panicked letting go.  God worked on me and showed me to trust Him and now my only regret is that I didn't take that leap sooner- in order to experience the joy and blessing of giving.  

(5) How do you teach your children about generosity?
My kids are grown and out of the house, and I can tell you we probably didn't do a good job of teaching them about giving generously as children. Some of it came naturally as they grew up and their faith became their own.  As a grandma I will totally approach it differently. From the first they can understand, I will look for an opportunity to teach and model worshipping God through giving.  The blessing is theirs!!  


Season of Giving with Alex


Season of Giving with Brian Smiley